Educational activities and classroom resources.

Wide variety of resources

Makes learning fun!

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Foundation Phase

Grade R to Grade 2

Educational Activities

Popsicle patterns - Roomysstokkies patrone

Educational Activities

Scrunchie patterns - Rekkies patrone

Educational Activities

Shapes play dough patterns - Vorm patrone kleimatjies

Featured Activities

Learning through my creative resources

I put my creativity and thoughts on paper to depict life lessons and life skills that teachers can use as resources inside classrooms as wall posters. Not only does it brighten up the classroom, but it is also a fun way for kids to learn by seeing colourful pictures. The exciting designs and colourful resources are a great way of helping kids grasp key concepts and make presenting a theme easily comprehensible.  My educational activities are unique and offer a play-learn opportunity for kids to learn numerous skills such as fine motor skills, identifying of shapes, colours and perceptual skills.

Our Happy Clients!

"Karoo Kiddies has the best teaching resources/aids available on the market. Absolutely love the theme packages available."
LÓreal de Bruin
"Uitstekende werk!! Sy gaan uit haar pad uit om 'n mens te help en maak seker jy kry wat jy voor vra. Baie dankie en sal jou werk vir enige juffie aanbeveel."​
Elsabe Booyzen​
"Ek bly opgewonde oor jou temas. Jy moet nooit ophou nie en my bord is altyd so kleurvol. Dankie vir jou moeite."​

Interested? Shop for all our activities and themes!

We create activies and themes for Grade R, Grade 1 and Grade 2 children in English and Afrikaans.

Hard Copy Orders

For all hard copy orders (print, laminate and courier) contact Karoo Kiddies personally as per whatsapp or email. I make use of Paxi for small orders and The Courier guy for large orders.
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